Thursday, February 20, 2003

Say What?

Surfed over to the C'est What site this aft because I'm thinking of going there this weekend to check out Alex Baird. I had put Alex in my Showcase page a couple of years ago, and so I poked around the C'est What site to see if she had done anything new lately.

Instead of finding something new, I found something borrowed, which prompted me to fire off this email:


I just noticed that your web site is using a piece of my writing ("Spotlight On Alex Baird" -
) without having asked my permission or at least properly citing the source, which was my Showcase write-up in Canadian Musician magazine

I realize it's possible that Alex supplied this copy to you without considering the implications. But I make my living with my writing, so if you're going to "borrow" my work for your own commercial/promotional purposes, I would appreciate it if you could at least credit the source properly.

Thanks for your attention to this matter.

- Jim Kelly

p.s., maybe I should demand remuneration in the form of a free beer every time I visit C'est What. :-)

Waddya think? Was I overreacting, or was I within my rights to do this? I don't think the email sounded too tight-ass, did it? I was kind of pissed.

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