Saturday, July 24, 2004

Life Is Cool

I've made a scientific breakthrough in controlling the weather! I've discovered that if you want to change the weather from hot and unbearably humid (temp. 28+ degrees C, humidex in the 40s) to comfortably warm and breezy (22 degrees, little humidity), all you need to do is go out and buy an air conditioner! It works the same way as the better-known Bring-Your-Umbrella-And-It-Won't-Rain/Forget-Your-Umbrella-And-Get-Soaked theory. Only it's more expensive to implement.

But that's okay, I'm sure August will be hot and sticky. And my guitars are thanking me. My little wooden friends are vulnerable to extremes in humidity. Ideal is around 50% humidity in a room (that's the standard some manufacturers use in their factories). In the winter, the air in apartments and houses is much drier, so I use a humidifier to regulate it. At low humidity, wood can crack (as it did on my acoustic several years go). At high humidity, wood expands, which means glued seals and seams can come undone, bridges can start coming off, etc. The other day, my hygrometer was reading 80% humidity in my apartment. So I hid my guitars back in their cases to protect them, and went out to buy the air conditioner. Within a few hours of turning it on, the humidity was down to 50-60%, which is fine.

Stella was not subjected to this, as she's in the shop getting all gussied up. So when she returns, the room will be nice and cool and I won't have to worry about upsetting her delicate constitution. Hey, ya gotta treat the girls nice!

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