Saturday, April 02, 2005

Oh, God

With all due respect to the Pope and catholics everywhere (myself being a recovering one -- it's a 12-step program; one for each apostle), I think this article speaks for itself about some of the inherent problems with the church, or at least with some of its employees.
(BANG) - Madonna should be 'beaten' for dressing as a nun, a leading US Catholic has claimed.

I've always failed to understand how people who venerate "the lamb of God" and "the Prince of Peace" can be so comfortable doling out corporal punishment. People have heard of this Practice What You Preach thing, haven't they? It's been all over the Internets.

Then again, with George Bush pushing a "culture of life", what can one expect with that kind of consistency in moral leadership. I'm sure there are quite a few innocent Iraqi civilians who would have liked to be invited into that culture.

And while we're talking religion and hypocrisy, I noticed that as the Terri Schiavo case was unfolding over the past few weeks, the Rev. Jerry Falwell was hospitalized in "critical condition...battling his second case of viral pneumonia in just five weeks."

To recap, this is the man who said that the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon on 9/11 were God's judgment on America for "throwing God out of the public square":
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"
He was also quoted as saying that "God will not be mocked."

I think it's pretty obvious to see what's happening here: In the midst of the hypocrisy, threats and general ugliness perpetuated by right-wing Christian wind-bag zealots like Falwell, God is striking them down to send a message. Seems like a pretty obvious conclusion to me. At least according to the same kind of "logic" used by people like Falwell. Funny why they don't see this obvious expression of God's displeasure with their actions. I guess it's easier to intuit the will of God when it supports one's own narrow, hateful, fear-inspring agenda. When America is attacked, God is obviously punishing America for creeping secularism, but when someone like Falwell is struck down with a serious disease, it's not God's will, it's just a medical condition.

Maybe God should start leaving "calling card" notes like Spider-Man does. "This hypocritical, hateful pompous zealot struck down by your friendly neighbourhood omnipotent deity."

I think maybe God needs some media advisors to make sure his key messages are getting through.

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