Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Just a quick update of my previous post about seeing U2 in concert. Here's some post-facto visual evidence. (Post-facto, yes, but it is pro Bono?)

This is more or less the view I had of The Edge, except I was a little more behind him. For the record, he is left-footed. I was a bit surprised to see he was using that huge digital multi-effects pedalboard. I always figured he was more of a vintage analogue pedal kinda guy. Progress overtakes The Edge.

Here's a shot of Daniel Lanois joining the band on Bono's beautiful, green Gretsch guitar, during the encore of "Bad".

And, I forgot to mention that during one song (can't remember which one), Bono has been choosing women from the audience to haul them up on the catwalk to dance with him. This chick came prepared, decked out in full belly-dancer regalia (hoping to relive the "Mysterious Ways" video, perhaps). She had the moves too! It was pretty impressive.

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