Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday Stones

I love the fall. It's my favourite season. Today, the first day of October, was a pretty typical autumn Sunday. Started out rather crisp and sunny, but turned rainy by early afternoon. Later on, however, the sun returned and it proved to be a fairly nice day.

So I took a little walk up my street and strolled through the St. John Norway cemetary that starts at the Kingston Road and Woodbine intersection. It's a fairly nice old cemetary; some of the stones and markers go back to the early 20th century. I'm sure there are probably some that are older than that.

A couple of them in particular caught my eye. This first one is one I see every time I pass by on the sidewalk. I imagine it's made from granite, but to me, it seems rather iron-y...

Then there's this one...

I guess that's what they mean by... one Foote in the grave.

Oy. My apologies to the deceased, but I just can't pass up a good pun.

The pastor of the St. John's Norway church is often pretty creative with his signage. None of that doom and gloom, sin-and-salvation stuff. It's usually quite positive and rooted in the here-and-now. The current messages are no exception.

Almost makes you want to pop in for a sermon.

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