Sunday, August 17, 2003

Blackout? What blackout?

So far, so good. I haven't seen any of the rolling blackouts they've been warning us about. Not in this part of town, anyway. But I'm still trying to conserve power as much as possible. Having cereal for breakfast instead of frying up my usual omellette. Turning on only one light in the basement room instead of the usual two.

Lighting candles to provide a little extra light, and rediscovering how nice is it to sit in a candle-lit room, even while watching TV. I wonder if there aren't a lot of other people rediscovering the charm of candlelight.

I went out last night to the Horseshoe for the 10th annual Living Elvis Karaoke (people get up and sing Elvis songs with the house band). Had a bite to eat at a restaurant beforehand. Other than the buses that ran where the subway and streetcars would have been, it was a normal night out.

I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. Subways probably won't be running, so I'll be bussing it all the way to work. Probably take me close to 2 hours. Ugh.

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