Monday, August 11, 2003

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Well, I'm back from my vacation and settling into my old routines back home in the Big Smoke. Got the first day back at work out of the way, and it wasn't too painful. In fact, in my absence I was given a new computeróa Mac tower, a G3 I think, which is a step up from what I had, and they upgraded me from OS 8.6 to 9.2, which is about time. It's a lot faster machine, that's for sure.

Had a very nice time back east. Spent the first 5 or 6 days in New Brunswick, at the lovely home of my friends Derek and Sheri, out in the hills outside Moncton, where I did a lot of frollicking with their 7-month-old Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy, Jessi. She's a great dog. Still a pup, but she's already a horse. Long legs. Big goofy paws. Lotta fun. Lotta energy. Speaking of horses, I also went horseback riding for the first time in my life, which was fun. Got a couple of beach days in too.

Saw all my old buddies who still live in the areaóguys I've known since I was 15 or so. And, of course, I got to see my friends Dan and Joanne's new baby, Mia, all of 3 days old by the time I saw her. She was born the night I arrived. How's that for timing?

Unfortunately, P.E.I. was a bit rainy and overcast for the last part of the vacation, so I didn't get that hit of blue skies and ocean and green fields and red soil, but it was nice to see the fambly. I did take a rainy solo drive down Cavendish way one afternoon, which wasn't ideal, but still nice to reconnect with the Island.

I'll post some pics once I get then developed.

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