Monday, November 17, 2003

Weirder & Weirder

Okay, this horoscope thing is starting to freak me out. Today's was another strange one. Here's the background:

I'm currently working on a story for the SOCAN web page. It's a story I pitched to them about musicians who are earning some SOCAN money for their music, but who need to keep a day job to pay the bills. Since there's no database of musicians with day jobs out there--at least none that I know of--I pretty much had to go with musicians I knew who fell into that category. That's where my experience writing the Showcase page in Canadian Musician came in handy.

So I interviewed Linda M (works as a "background person" in film and TV) and Colleen Power in Newfoundland (works at a savoury farm, packaging) and Jay Clark Reid of Jay Clark And The Jones (works as wait staff at local eatery/bar/music spot C'est What). I had hoped to talk to Jim Bryson, because he had worked at Songbird music store in Ottawa, but his people never got back to me. So, that's when I got hold of Jay, as kind of a last-minute replacement. (No offence, Jay, if you're reading this. You were on my list, but I was trying to get a geographically diverse trio and I already had local Linda. Don't want to seem Toronto-centric. But when I didn't hear from Bryson, you got the call. Plus, waiting tables is the traditional musician's/actor's day job, so it was nice to get that angle in there.)

So, given that scenario, here's the last sentence (it's always the last sentence!) in my horoscope from this morning...
"Last-ditch effort resumes to find a replacement."

[cue Twilight Zone theme music]

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