Monday, September 20, 2004

Got The Fever

Called in sick today. Don't have the chills and aches I had yesterday, but the cough is still there, as is the...erm...intestinal chaos. Feel weak, tired and depleted. I'm sure this was brought on by the stress leading up to Saturday's gig. Skipped ball hockey tonight, of course.

But I'll take this opportunity to tell you about the weird-ass phone call I received on Sunday.

Yesterday afternoon, the phone rings. I answer it and an unfamiliar woman's voice asks to speak to Rodney. I tell her she must have the wrong number, since there's no one here named Rodney. I ask her what number she's calling, just to confirm that she has the right area code (sometimes people will call a number, but get the area code wrong -- 416 instead of 905, for instance -- and straightening that out avoids having them call you right back again). She tells me that she was calling 416-461-XXXX (my old number before moving to my new apartment), and it forwarded her to my current number (as it should). I tell her that was my old number, but there must be some mistake, since there is no Rodney. She says okay and hangs up.

A short time later, the phone rings, but I am indisposed (see above). A minute later, while I am in the process of becoming re-disposed, the phone rings yet again. I answer it, and it's the same woman. The conversation is as follows:

"I'm calling this number because the number I was given for Rodney and Jen is forwarding me to this number,' she says. "So, do you know Rodney and Jen?"

"I don't know any 'Rodney and Jen'," I state as plainly and clearly as possible.

"But it says 'Jen' on your answering machine message."

[confused pause on my part]

"No, it says 'Jim'. That's my name." [thought bubble: "Do I sound like a 'Jen'?"]

"So you don't know Rodney and Jen."

"I don't know anyone named Rodney."

"But you know Jen."

"NO. I know people named Jen, but I'm sure it's not your Jen, because I don't know any couple named Rodney and Jen."

We go over the number story again. I explain to her that the 461 number was my old number, that I had it for at least five years until I moved to this apartment in May and got the current number that she was being forwarded to. I explain once again that I don't know Rodney and Jen. I don't know why or how she was given that number, but I don't know Rodney and Jen."

There's a short pause, and then she says bitterly, "Well, isn't that convenient for them", and hangs up!

SHE hangs up on ME!

No apology, no thank-you, no nuthin' -- just click.

The nerve of some people.

Maybe Rodney and Jen purposefully gave her the wrong phone number? Moved and gave her the slip? Gee, who wouldn't want the company of someone with such intelligence and good manners.

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