Friday, September 10, 2004

Your Friday Yuk

I don't usually do this, but I was so proud of the joke I made at work yesterday, I just had to share.

We were in a layout meeting for one of the magazine cycles we're currently working on (typically there are three in production: one in mid-production, one just starting, and one being put to bed).

Dramatis Personae:

The Copywriter (Me)
Director of Creative Services (My Boss)
The Repertoire Manager
The Marketing Manager
A couple of our graphic artists

The purpose of the meeting was mostly to present the design and layout of various magazine sections so that Marketing and Repertoire (A&R) can approve them, or give feedback on changes. Other issues are usually discussed as well. For instance, on this day there was some question about one of the features (which I am in the throes of writing). It was to be a coupled feature, offering a CD selection with a related DVD selection, typically a soundtrack and a DVD of the film. The A&R Manager was asking the Marketing Manager if she had decided whether we would go with the "Passion Of The Christ" feature or the "Lord Of The Rings" feature.

A&R Manager: "So, Anita (Marketing), what's the story with the "Passion Of The Christ" feature?

Me (in stage whisper); "He dies in the end. ... Well, sorta."

After the hearty guffaws subsided, tears wiped from eyes and ribs taped up, it was decided that we would be going with the "Passion Of The Christ" coupling. At which point I still had one more in me...

"So, I guess that would be a cross-promotion?"

Thank-you! G'nite! Drive carefully and don't forget to tip your waitstaff!

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