Sunday, October 10, 2004

Dick Doc

Very interesting documentary on the CBC investigative news program "The 5th Estate". The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney. Interesting stuff:

- Documents his dealings with Iran and Libya as CEO of Halliburton -- contrary to U.S. law.
- Provides satellite photographic evidence from Russian satellites prior to Gulf War I, when Cheney was Secretary of Defence, that shows no build-up of Iraqi troops or tanks on the Iraqi border, contrary to US intelligence claims. US photos have never been released.
- Details the deliberate use of misleading intelligence prior to the current Iraq war.
- Examines Cheney's role in publicizing the name of an undercover CIA agent, who happened to be married to former Ambassador Joe Wilson. Wilson had been sent by the CIA to investigate reports of Sadam trying to buy nuclear materials in Niger, but reported to Cheney that there was no credible evidence of such activity. When the Bush admin instead used this story as basis for extablishing that Sadam was trying to build a nuclear weapon, Wilson wrote an article contradicting such claims. It was after that his wife's position was compromised, an act described [rightfully so] as "treasonous".

...and so much more. Some of this may be old news, but it sure underscores one more reason not to re-elect George Bush: to make sure that Dick Cheney isn't given a chance to run for president.

Not only should this man not be vice-president or president, he should be in jail.

I love the way this guy operates. He was given the task of finding a suitable running mate for GW Bush, and came to the conclusion that the best man for the job was...him! That's character.

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