Saturday, September 02, 2006


Wow. Just noticed the "radical" redesign over at Good ol' Neil is still fighting the good fight, only these days he's more feisty than ever. I guess having kids who are backdoor draft age will do that to you.

Check out the videos and documentaries for the LWW songs. Some are free downloads. Lots of other stuff, too. Anti-war editorials. The "Songs of the Times" section, featuring musical submissions on the theme; some known, some unknown.

You can also watch Neil's recent appearance on "The Colbert Report", and some archival footage from the 1986 Crazy Horse tour. This was the tour where they billed themselves as the "world's 3rd greatest garage band," taking the theme literally. The stage was designed as a garage where the band was rehearsing, complete with terrier-sized robotic cockroaches and periodic phone calls from "Mom" telling them to turn it down.

Go Neil!

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