Thursday, August 31, 2006

Watching The Stream Flow

You can listen to a stream of Dylan's new CD "Modern Times" in its entirety here.

Plus, watch the faux-vintage-Super-8-y video for When The Deal Goes Down, featuring the lovely Scarlett Johansson. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. But seriously, it's a nice video. Seems to enhance the song.

I listened to the songs at work today, but I can't say anything made much of an impression. Except the name check on Alicia Keyes in the lead-off track. Musically, it sounds like Bobby's mining the same vein from "Love And Theft"--not that that's a bad thing. But there are many distractions at work ( so it's not fair of me to judge it yet. I'll have to spend some time with it alone. Kind of going through a bit of a Beatles/Lennon revival in my listening life right now, so we'll see if Bob can lure me over to his side of the river of song.

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