Sunday, June 09, 2002

Coming up for air

Long time no blog. My last entry was 10 days ago. I blog your forgiveness.

But this feels like the first time since then that I've been able to come up for air. Spent today doing as little as possible. Listened to some Ron Sexsmith music ñ his first two Interscope albums, pure and uncomplicated ñ played a bit of guitar, napped. All necessary. Very necessary.

It was last Thursday that I started writing an article for Chart that was due the following Monday. Spent the whole of last weekend working on that, also while setting up and conducting interviews for my Showcase page for Canadian Musician, which I would need to have in ASAP after the Chart piece ñ aiming for Wednesday or Thursday. Which happened to coincide with the beginning of the NxNE festival. After many late nights and sleep-deprived days at work, I got the article done. (The amount of coffee I consumed during the previous week surely must have made some sort of impact on Colombia's GNP.) The Showcase page I finished early Thursday evening, adding a few final revisions and emailing it literally minutes before heading out the door to enjoy the first night of NxNE.

First stop: The Horseshoe... (to be continued)

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