Saturday, December 07, 2002

Driving The Point Home

Mike's just had a close call. Glad he's okay, but his car doesn't look too good.

My sister Anne, the one I just visited in LA, was hit by a drunk driver when she was driving on the freeway many years ago. Pretty much shattered her knee, the steering wheel sliced her liver, and she had various other injuries. She came through it okay, after much surgery. Her friend who was in the passenger seat, wasn't so "lucky". She smashed her head against the window, and hasn't been the same since, mentally.

And yet, despite this, there have been times when I've hopped into a car with someone who probably shouldn't have been driving. When I think of some of the times when I was going to school in Frederiction, and my friends and I would drive some of the dark, winding backroads after a party, I'm lucky to be alive. What is wrong with us?

I don't care if I sound like a PSA. Please, everybody, if you're drinking this holiday season (or anytime, of course), take a cab, or use a designated driver. And if you see someone who shouldn't be driving, take their keys, call them a cab, give them the fareĆ³even if they think you're being an asshole, it's not worth the risk. I can't imagine living with the guilt of knowing I had killed someone's child or spouse or parents, just because I was stupid enough to drink and drive. They may curse you now, but they may thank you later.

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