Thursday, December 05, 2002

Just A Little Off The Top Please

Major shake-up at work today. Head office in New York got rid of our Exec VP/GM (the big cheese) and the VP of Marketing (my boss's boss). Something like this has been rumoured for a while, since the company was bought several months ago. There were a number of lay-offs in NY as well.

Bad timing though. Our xmas party is tomorrow night. You'd think they could have waited until Monday.

Frankly, I think they needed new blood running the company up here. Maybe it'll shake up the culture of mediocrity that seems to prevail. Just hope the axe doesn't swing my way. I think I'm pretty safe, unless brass in NY decides to source all copy from the States. Our department has apparently been meeting all our targets, and I think we do good work. And I think they'll always need copywriters for the Canadian marketóones who are knowledgeable of Canadian artists. At least I hope so. Glad I'm the senior copywriter.

Makes me nervous though. I've worked for three companies since I've been in Toronto, and each of them has undergone a major restructuring. The first resulting in the company falling apart completely, and the second resulting in my position getting eliminated.

So we have three people in from NY to oversee things for a while, including one who seems to have taken over a new position as chief of personnel. That makes me a bit nervous. If there are to be more axings, it would make sense to have an "outsider" wearing the black hood.

But let me just say that I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords...

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