Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Apt News

Not a lot of exciting news on the new apartment front. I bought a Swiffer Wetjet. Is that exciting? Sadly, yes.

I've really been taking my sweet time getting things set up. But it's almost a done deal. Got the books in the bookcases. I'm leaving the CDs till last. I need to get a new CD rack, maybe two. I've needed a new one for some time. Had an overflow of probably at least 100-150 CDs stacked in various places around my old house, and my crappy little wooden rack had fallen apart on me twice, before finally meeting its demise during the move. I was holding off buying a new one because I knew I was looking to move, and there was no point going to all the trouble to completely reorganize my CD collection, only to pack it all away again and move it.

Gotta hit the Kitchen Stuff Plus store this weekend. They have lots of neat stuff at pretty reasonable prices. I just need a few extra gizmos for the kitchen and bathroom, etc.

Speaking of kitchen stuff, here's a question: Does anyone make a can lid puncher that doesn't rust? They can put a rover on Mars, but...

Still need to get the blinds and the area rug...but all in good time.

In other news, I needed some subway reading, so I picked up Kurt Vonnegut's TimeQuake. I love reading Vonnegut. Makes me feel sane. And the fact that it makes me chuckle to myself on the subway, keeps the weirdos at bay.

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