Thursday, June 24, 2004

Thank Dog

A very bizarre local news story that took place in my hood.

All I can say is, thank god for friendly dogs. Amazing how the fates of so many people were decided by a good ol' gregarious pooch.

And whaddya make of Mr. travelling gun club? He gets a hankerin' to off some people, but folks in New Brunswick are too nice (see? it does pay to be nice!), so he loads up the car with rifles, knives and over 6,000 rounds of ammo, and heads down the road to Toronto, 'cos, y'know, they're all cold-hearted meanies in The Big Smoke. The bubble burst on that stereotype just in time!

Yes, lots of lessons to be learned here. Not the least of which is...
Guns don't kill people... because friendly dogs won't let them!

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