
Scorpio October 23 - November 21
It's your birthright to become a master of desire, Scorpio. Two related skills are involved. First, you have to regularly pare away all inessential desires and enthrone the precious few that are really important. Second, you have to steadily shed outmoded goals to make room for fresh goals that will consistently lead you away from the past and into the future. It's a tough assignment. Most people never come close to accomplishing such refined potency, and they don't have half the number of desires you do. Can you pull it off? The coming weeks will be a turning point in your quest to claim this birthright.Interesting. Y'know, the rational part of me doesn't want to put too much stock in astrology. But I have to admit, as cynical as I can be in some ways, this horoscope does seem to reflect some of the ways I've been thinking about my life recently. I have definitely been looking to "pare away" inessentials, and I have indeed been taking steps recently to make some fairly big changes in my life, which would certainly lead me "away from the past and into the future". On the other hand, how unusual is that, really? Aren't most people in one way or another facing very similar things?
On the other other hand, the horoscope that I sometimes read in the subway commuter paper can be oddly specific. Twice in the past two or three months, it's advised be to buy footwear! I kid you not. It said something like:
"A coworker causes stress today. Patience will be its own reward. Don't leap to judgement in matters of the heart. Buy new footwear."
After the second time it happened, you can damn well bet I went out and got myself a new pair of shoes!
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