Saturday, May 10, 2003

Pseudo Simian-ulation

Well, this is very disappointing, isn't it. Personally, I was expecting better from Rowan. And let's face it, Elmo has never been a team player.

But it was hardly a fair experiment, was it? It certainly wasn't replicated properly. There was not an infinite number of monkeys (only sixóand I may not be up on this new math, but I can tell you that six is very frickiní far from infinity), nor was there an infinite number of typewriters (just one computer). And they were given only a month! You show me a writer (with amnesia) who can reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare in a month, and I'll be a monkey's uncle.

IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR!... [pounds stick against the ground over and over, and then, in complete rage, tosses it high into the air, where it revolves end-over-end, all slow-motion like, before transforming into the internatioal space station.]

... ooh, that was cool.

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