Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Morning Moolah Manna

I stopped at a generic bank machine in Kennedy Station on the way to work yesterday morning. Pressed the button to withdraw $80, and the machine spit out three 20s. I counted them again. Yep, just three. Thought for a second that I may have pressed $60 instead, but no, I'm sure I pressed $80.

It gets stranger.

I read the receipt, and it looked like it said $40 withdrawn. So...I wanted $80, got $60, and was debited for $40? But the receipt was printed oddly, the numbers all squished-together-like, so it was hard to tell if it was a 6 or a 4. But also on the receipt, it read "total requested amount could not be dispensed". I shrugged and shuffled off to catch the RT.

Later, at work, I checked my account transactions through on-line banking. My account had been debited $81.50 (service charge), then that transaction was reversed, and then it was indeed debited only $40.

So I got $20 free from the bank! Woo!
Pizza for dinner tonight!

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