Wednesday, August 14, 2002

When Bad Jokes Turn Real

Whenever someone asks me what religion I belong toówhich isn't often, thankfullyóI sometimes respond with this joke reply:

Me: "I'm a Frisbeeterian."
Them: "A what?"
Me: "A Frisbeeterian."
Them: "What's a Frisbeeterian?"
Me [trying to keep a straight face]: "We believe that when you die, your soul flies up onto the roof, and you can't get it down."

Laughter and gaiety ensues.

Real funny, right? Just a joke, eh? Think again Columbo...

"My father would be really happy if we actually played Frisbee with his remains," Daniel Headrick said. "He said he wanted to end up in a Frisbee that accidentally lands on someone's roof."

Christ on a bike!!

That gives spinning in your grave a whole new meaning!

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